User Guide

Table of Content
General Discussion about Weight Losing
- Diet
- Accounting for essential nutrients
- Transition from tracking to planning
- Developing healthy eating habits
How to use this App: Common Algorithm
How to calculate the calorie index of a food
- Method 1: Use the data on the food packaging
- Method 2: Use Google Search
- Method 3: Use ChatGPT or other AI
How to calculate the calorie index of a multi-food dish
How to find a food and filter the list of foods
Sorting and filtering at the same time
How to delete food from the general list
Part 2: Add Foods to a day’s list
How to add foods to the Day Foods list
How to specify the amount of food eaten
How to rearrange foods in the Day Foods list
- How to edit the date
- How to add foods to the editing daily list
- How to change the weight of foods
- How to change the name of a food and its calorie index
- How to remove a food from the daily list
Part 3: Control the amount of calories
- How to find out the usual amount of calories
- How to define a daily goal
- How to set a daily goal in the app
Calorie Control and Weight Loss
Appendix: Create of eating habits
- Positive emotional background
- Love the feeling of hunger
- Practice intermittent fasting
- Listen to your body
- Analysis kills feeling
- Identify and use your individual characteristics
- Develop your will and strengthen your self-esteem
- Willpower is strengthened by victories
What to do if you want to eat?
- Use small plates
- Divide your meal
- The Three Spoon Rule
- Hide food triggers
- Create your own healthy food triggers
- Turn off the “light bulb”
- The wedge is knocked out with a wedge
- Drink water and breathe
- Use taste sensations for satiety
From observation to nutrition management
Take photos and weigh yourself
Nutrition is not the whole life, but only a part of it
This app is designed to help people who want to lose weight.
- The application uses the Universal Calorie Index (UCI) proposed by the author of the application. It shows the number of calories per 1 gram of food weight. With the help of such a Universal Calorie Index, you can quickly identify groups of products that are close in calorie content using the sorting, searching and filtering functions.
- Online calorie calculator – allows you to calculate the number of calories consumed per day in real time. With the help of such a calculator, you can significantly speed up the process of tracking calories consumed, as well as plan your daily nutrition, selecting products by composition and quantity, taking into account the set goal (amount of calories) for the day.
General Discussion about Weight Losing
Weight loss activity includes the following main components:
Complete exclusion or significant reduction in the consumption of certain, “harmful” products. These most often include fatty, smoked, salty, sweet foods, carbonated drinks, flour products, etc.
Accounting for essential nutrients
Counting calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates consumed with food. This application uses calorie counting and planning. Numerous studies have shown that nutrition plays the main role in weight loss. At the same time, physical activity, although it does not directly affect weight loss, is nevertheless very important for improving the body’s metabolism.
Transition from tracking to planning
Transition from calorie counting, tracking them after the fact, to nutrition planning taking into account calorie content and other parameters.
As a rule, after some time after keeping track of calories, certain patterns of nutrition are developed. Based on them, it becomes possible to plan your diet, making it even more manageable and conscious.
Developing healthy eating habits
The main problem with diets and almost all healthy eating practices is that after a while people get tired of forcing themselves to eat differently. As a result, breakdowns and so-called “rebounds” can occur, when a person returns to the previous, usual diet. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to gradually change your lifestyle and form new habits that will support weight loss activity. For example, this could be a habit of eating small portions, a habit of not eating later than 8 pm, observing certain breaks between meals, etc. The main rule in forming new eating habits is a positive emotional background.
How to use this App: Common algorithm
- Write down the names of foods and dishes, as well as their calorie index.
- Select foods from the general list and specify their quantity.
- Control the amount of calories you consume per day and compare them with the day goal.
Part 1: Record Foods
In order for the application to calculate the number of calories, first enter the food data: food name and calorie index
How to add a new food or dish
- On the Foods tab, click the Plus sign in the upper right corner.
- The screen for adding a new food will open.
- Enter the name of the food and its calorie index.
- Click the Save button.
- The Foods screen will open again and you will see the new food at the top of the list.
- You can then sort the general list by selecting the Food Name parameter and clicking the Sort button in the upper left corner of the screen.

In this way, you can add both individual food and dish that include several foods. Choose the option that is more convenient for you.
How to calculate the calorie index of a food
Method 1: Use the data on the food packaging
As a rule, the data on the calorie content of a food is indicated on its packaging.
To calculate the calorie index, you need to divide the calorie content of a serving by the serving size in grams.
For example, the calorie content of a serving is 200 calories, and the serving size is 85 grams.

200 / 85 = 2.3529…
Calculations must be made to one decimal place with appropriate rounding.
As a result, we get the calorie index value – 2.4
Method 2: Use Google Search
Enter your query in Google search.
Example query:
How many calories are in an apple?
In the Quantity column, select 100 g.

Divide the calories by the quantity.
For example, 52: 100 = 0.52
Round the value to one decimal.
Thus, the calorie index for an apple is 0.5
Method 3: Use ChatGPT or other AI
Ask the AI a question.
Example query:
How many calories are in 1 gram of broccoli?
There are approximately 0.34 calories in 1 gram of broccoli.

We round it up and get the calorie value of broccoli in the amount of 0.3.
How to calculate the calorie index of a multi-food dish
- Write down the weight of each food included in the dish.
- Calculate the calorie index of each of these foods – see the previous part of this guide.
- Multiply the weight of each food by its calorie index. You will get the total calorie content of this food.
- Calculate the total weight of the dish. To do this, add up the weights of each food.
- Calculate the total calorie content of the dish. To do this, add up the total calorie content of each food.
- Calculate the calorie index of the dish. To do this, divide the total calorie content of the dish by the total weight of the dish.
- Round off the calorie index value of the dish to one decimal place.
- Write the name of the dish and its calorie index in the general list of foods on the Foods tab.
Then the calories are counted in the same way as for a separate food. That is, you just need to indicate the weight of a portion of that dish.
The rest of the calorie calculations will be performed automatically by the application.
Example of calculating the calorie index of a dish made from several foods:
Name of the dish:
Chicken with broccoli, rice and Teriyaki sauce.
Weight - 150g, calorie index - 1.5, calorie content of a serving = 150 x 0.5 = 225
Weight - 200g, calorie index 0.3, calorie content of a serving of the food - 200x0.3 = 60
Weight - 300g, calorie index 1.2, calorie content of a serving of the food - 300 x 1.2 = 360
Teriyaki Sauce:
Weight - 30g, calorie index of the product - 2.5, calorie content of a serving of the food - 30 x 2.5 = 70.
Calculate total weight of the dish:
150 + 200 + 300 + 30 = 680
Calculate total calorie content of the dish:
225 + 60 + 360 + 70 = 715
Calculate calorie index of the dish:
715/680 ≈ 1.0514... = 1.1
How to sort a list of foods
You can sort a food list on the Foods tab.
To do this, click the Sort button in the upper left corner of the screen.
Subsequent clicks of the Sort button will alternately sort the food list in ascending and descending order.
Foods can be sorted both by their name and by their calorie index.
To sort foods by calorie index, select the Calorie Index option at the top of the screen under the search bar.
Then click the Sort button.
Click the Sort button again to change the sort order.
For example, you initially sorted the food list by calorie index in ascending order - from the lowest calorie content to the highest. By pressing the Sort button a second time, you will get a list of foods sorted by the Calorie Index parameter in descending order, from the highest calorie content to the lowest.
To return to sorting by food names, press the Food Name button at the top of the screen under the search bar.

How to find a food and filter the list of foods
To quickly find a food in the food list, use the search bar at the top of the Foods screen.
Enter the food name and the app will immediately show it.
If you do not remember the exact name of the food, or want to select several foods with similar names, start typing the name in the search bar.
The app will filter the general list and show only those foods whose names contain the characters you specified.
Just like sorting, you can search and filter by both food names and calorie index.
To do this, select the search or filter option at the top of the Foods screen under the search bar.

Sorting and filtering at the same time
You can use sorting of foods together with a filter.
For example, you can filter several foods with low calorie content (less than 1) from the general list.
This will help you to see a group of low calorie foods.
You can then sort them and get an additionally sorted list of low calorie foods from the lowest calorie to the most calorie.
There may be surprises here. For example, the calorie content of coffee is at about the same level as the calorie content of apples or peaches.

So, having used search and filtering, you can then use sorting, and vice versa, after sorting, use search and filtering.
How to delete food from the general list
In the general list, find the food you want to delete.
Swipe left to right on the row with this food.
An additional menu will appear with two options – Delete and Edit.
Tap Delete, and this food will be removed from the general list.

How to edit a food
In the general list, find the food you want to edit.
Swipe left to right on the line with this food.
An additional menu will appear with two options: Delete and Edit.
Click Edit – a separate window with data on this food will open.
Make the necessary changes to the food name or calorie index.
Click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen. The changes will be saved and the previous window with the general list of foods will open.

If, for some reason, you want to cancel the changes made, click the Cancel button in the upper left corner. The previous window with the general list of foods will open and the changes will not be saved.
Part 2: Add Foods to a day’s list
This application uses calorie counting by the natural biological cycle – a day.
How to add a new day
- In the bottom navigation bar, go from the Foods tab to the Days tab – A screen with a list of days will open.
When you first launch the application, this list may be empty, or it will show several demo examples. You can delete them later.
- Click the add button (Plus sign) in the upper right corner of the screen. – A window for adding a new day will open.
What is shown on the Add Day screen
Under the page title there is a field for specifying the date.
Below is a line that indicates the number of calories already consumed on this day.
Note: If there are few calories, it will be an approving green color, if there are many - an alarming orange.
The next line shows how many calories are left.
Then there is a Day Foods table, which were consumed during the day.

How to set the date
By default, the current date is set for the new day.
You can leave it or change it.
How to change the date
- To change the date, click on it – a calendar will open below it.
- Select the desired date.
- To close the calendar, click the button above the calendar again – the calendar window will close.
The changed date is set.

How to add foods to the Day Foods list
To add foods, click the Add button (+ sign) above the Day Foods table on the Add Day screen.
The Foods screen will open.
Select foods – click them in the row and they will be highlighted with blue markers.
To quickly find foods in the list, use the Search and Filter function.
After selecting foods, click the button with three dots in a circle in the upper right corner of the screen, then select the Add to Day option.
The Add Day screen will open again.
The list of foods will be displayed in the Day Foods table.

How to specify the amount of food eaten
The amount of food eaten is specified in units of weight (grams).
The table of Day Foods on the Day editing screen automatically displays the names of the selected foods and their calorie index.
To complete entering foods in the daily list, specify the weight for each food.
Unfilled weight fields will be highlighted in green.
- Place the cursor in the food weight field. – A keyboard will appear.
- Enter the amount of food in grams.
- Go to the next fields and enter the weight for the remaining foods.
If necessary, scroll up the list to see the foods at the bottom of the list.
Newly added foods will be added to the top of the list.
To remove the keyboard from the screen, click anywhere on the screen except the table.
If you want to change the order of the foods in the list, use the Rearrange function.

How to rearrange foods in the Day Foods list
Click the Rearrange button (three horizontal stripes) on the left above the Day Foods table on the Add Day screen.
In each row of the table, icons in the form of the same three horizontal stripes will appear on the right.
Click the mouse cursor on this icon and drag the desired element to a convenient place for you.
If necessary, repeat this for other foods in the list.
When you have finished dragging, click again the Rearrange button on the left above the table.
At the end, don’t forget click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to delete a Day
To delete a Day and all the data included in it:
Go to the Days tab and select the day you want to delete.
Swipe left to right on this day. – An additional menu with the Delete option will open.
Click Delete.
This day will be removed from the list of days.

How to edit a Day entry
To edit a Day entry, on the Days screen, click on the row with that day.
The Edit Day screen will open with the data for the selected day.

How to edit the date
On the Edit Day screen, click the date field – The calendar will open.
Select the desired date.
Click the date field above the calendar again – The calendar will close.
The date field will be set to the date you selected.
Click the Save button to save the change or proceed to edit other data for this day.

How to add foods to the editing daily list
On the Edit Day screen, click the Add button in the right corner above the Day Foods table.
The original Foods screen will open with a general list of foods.
Click the desired foods. – They will be highlighted with blue markers.
Then click the icon with three dots inside a circle in the upper right corner of the Foods screen and select the Add to Day option.
The Edit Day window will open again and the Day Foods table will display the added foods.
The foods you add are displayed in the top rows of the list.

If you ate the same food several times during the day, you can add it to the daily list either as three different entries with separate weights, or as one general entry with a total weight.
For example, during the day you drank coffee 3 times, each time 250 grams. In the daily list for this day, you can make 3 coffee entries each weighing 250 grams, or one entry with the name of the coffee weighing 750 grams in total.
How to change the weight of foods
On the Edit Day screen, in the Day Foods table, find the food whose weight you want to change.
Place the cursor in the food weight field – A keyboard will appear on the screen.
Change the food weight.
Repeat this for other foods if necessary.
At the end, do not forget to click the Save button to save the changes you have made.

How to change the name of a food and its calorie index
Changes to the name of a food and its calorie index are made only in the Foods tab of the application.
To do this, click the Foods icon in the bottom navigation bar. –
The Foods tab will open.
Make all the necessary changes there. – See the How to edit a food section
How to remove a food from the daily list
On the Edit Day screen, select the food you want to remove in the Day Foods table.
Swipe the selected food from left to right. –
An additional menu will appear with the Delete option.
Click Delete – The selected food will be removed from the daily list.
Click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Part 3: Control the amount of calories
Calorie Calculation
Calorie calculation is performed automatically after entering the food weight.
In this case, the food line shows the calorie content of a serving of the food.
Then, above the table, the number of calories consumed with food during the day is shown.
Also shown here is the set daily goal and the number of calories in % of the daily goal.
For ease of perception, the line with the number of calories will change its color depending on the comparison with the daily goal.
If the number of calories consumed is less than the set daily goal, the line will be green.
If, on the contrary, the number of calories consumed is higher than the daily goal, the line will have a warning red tint.
Below this line is the number of calories that are still left and their percentage of the daily goal.

How to set a daily goal
A daily goal is the number of calories you plan to eat with food during the day.
By reducing the daily goal, we thereby reduce the number of calories entering our body, which accordingly leads to weight loss.
At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that too abrupt changes in nutrition can subsequently lead to breakdowns, so-called rebounds and a return to the usual diet. This is one of the main problems associated with diets and other healthy eating practices.
Therefore, it is very important to avoid abrupt changes and change the diet gradually, developing healthy eating habits.
To do this, you first need to find out how many calories you consume in a normal diet.
How to find out the usual amount of calories
The usual amount of calories is the amount of calories that a person eats with food during one day in a normal mode, i.e., this is how we usually eat.
But since the diet may differ slightly on different days, the average number of calories per day is calculated.
To do this, we write down what and how much we ate during one week (7 days).
A week of 7 days is a bio-social cycle of our life, which includes workdays and weekends. Therefore, it is convenient to use it to assess the diet.
That is, during the first week of using the application, we enter data about our usual diet into it.
Names of foods – See the How to add a new food or dish section
Calorie index of foods – See the How to calculate the calorie index of a food section.
Quantity or weight of foods – See the How to specify the amount of food eaten section
At the end of the first week, the average number of calories per day is calculated.
To do this, add up the number of calories for each day of the week and divide the resulting sum by 7 (the number of days).
For example:
The number of calories consumed by day of the week from Monday to Sunday:
4560, 3750, 3380, 3360, 4120, 3600, 4880
Total calories for the week:
4560 + 3750 + 3380 + 3360 + 4120 + 3600 + 4880 = 27650
Average number of calories per day:
27650 / 7 = 3950
Thus, in our example, it turns out that the average number of calories per day is 3950.
This is our usual, average, number of calories per day.
How to define a daily goal
A daily goal is a certain number of calories that we want to stick to during the day.
At the end of the first week of using the app and at the beginning of the second, we can define such a goal.
As a daily goal for the second week, we can use the average number of calories per day that we calculated in the previous section of this Guide.
How to set a daily goal in the app
To set a daily goal, click the Info icon in the bottom navigation bar.
The Info Page will open.
In the first top cell on this page, you will see your current daily goal.
By default, it is set at 5,500 calories.
This is a conditional, purely technical figure that helps new users master the app during the first week.
Now it is time to change this conditional figure to your personal daily goal.
To do this, click the Edit Daily Goal button. A new screen will open.
Enter the new daily goal value in the Daily Goal field.
Click the Save button.
The previous window with the set daily goal will open.

Calorie Control and Weight Loss
Once you have set your own daily goal, you can start managing your calories and, accordingly, your body weight.
The basic idea here is that fewer calories consumed leads to weight loss.
To do this, in the second week of using the app, continue to record the food you ate and its amount.
But now track the number of calories so that they do not exceed the daily norm.
Do this for a week.
Then, in the third week, reduce the daily goal by 100 calories and maintain this regime for a week.
And so, gradually, little by little, reduce the daily calorie norm by 100.
Stick to the new daily goal for a week.
This is necessary so that the body does not experience sharp fluctuations and gradually adapts to the changes.
In some cases, if you feel the need, you can increase the interval to two weeks or more. Be guided by your own feelings of comfort or discomfort.
For ease of use, we have compiled a small Roadmap about the sequence of the main actions in the first weeks.
First week
Record the foods and their quantities in the app.
Eating regimen – normal.
At the end of the first week, calculate the average number of calories consumed per day.
Second week
At the beginning of the second week, set the average number of calories per day in the app as a daily goal.
Track calories so as not to exceed the daily goal.
Think about how to exclude or reduce the amount of some products in your diet. For example, exclude or reduce the consumption of carbonated drinks, cakes with a lot of cream, etc.
Third week
Reduce the daily goal by 100 calories.
Stick to this daily goal for a week.
Identify food patterns, templates.
Pay attention to the dishes that are repeated in your diet. Write down their ingredients (foods), their quantity and calculate the calorie index of the dish. In the future, you can specify these dishes in the application in one line, adding only the portion weight. On the one hand, this will save time on record-keeping, and on the other, it will create a basis for moving on to meal planning.
Fourth and subsequent weeks
Reduce the daily goal by 100 calories each week.
Note: In individual cases, the period for observing a certain daily goal can be 2 weeks, 3 weeks or more, depending on your sense of comfort.
Create eating habits.
Appendix: Create of eating habits
Why develop eating habits
To lose weight, we need to change our lifestyle.
Namely, we need to create new eating habits.
There is a saying:
If you chase money, it runs away from you. But if you do what you love, then the money itself comes to you.
The same goes for habits: If we just want to lose weight, then this goal will run away from you.
In other words, it will take a lot of willpower and there is a significant risk of breakdowns and rebounds.
But if we gradually, without drastic changes, form healthy eating habits, then the weight will inevitably decrease.
Moreover, then we can already talk not just about losing weight, but about managing your body weight.
Thus, habits are our support, base in the work on losing weight.
How habits are formed
The process of forming habits goes through several stages.
The first pattern of behavior, which is essentially a habit, is formed literally as a result of three repetitions.
For example, you decided that your breakfast will contain no more than 500 calories. The first day usually requires more concentration due to its novelty, but it usually ends with success and the accompanying euphoria.
On the second day, the sensations are already not so vivid. And on the third day, a feeling of some routine appears. And this is a sign of the beginning of the formation of a habit, i.e., the actions are performed as if automatically.
Then the habit gradually becomes integrated into our lifestyle. This can last about a month.
And here it is important to pay attention to what feelings the new habit evokes. If it somehow tires us, bores us, then we need to reconsider the actions that we perform and the motivation for why we do it.
A good sign is a feeling of pleasure in the process of performing the actions of the new habit.
The next stage may involve a so-called latent period, when the habit and the actions associated with it are forgotten. It can also last a month or more.
But after some time, the habit manifests itself again and from that moment, when there is no longer any internal resistance to new forms of behavior, the new habit becomes a routine matter for us.
What habits to develop
The most important eating habit is to consume a certain, small amount of calories during the day.
Today, the optimal average norm for women is considered to be 2,000 calories, for men – 2,500.
These are the guidelines to strive for.
But this should be done gradually, without sudden movements, so as not to allow breakdowns and rebounds.
How to create eating habits
Positive emotional background
The main rule when forming new eating habits is a positive emotional background.
Reducing excess calories should not be viewed as a punishment for bad behavior, but as an opportunity to change your life for the better.
Do not scold yourself for being overweight, but praise yourself for starting to work on losing weight.
Think about what positive things you will have when your weight goes down. This includes improved health, better appearance, respect from others, different clothes, and much more.
Praise yourself for every achievement, celebrate them as holidays.
Treat losing weight as a game, as an adventure, something new and interesting in your life.
Love the feeling of hunger
At first, the feeling of hunger can scare us, create an anxious mood.
Do not run away from it, on the contrary, go towards it.
Love hunger!
When you feel hunger, start enjoying it.
Feel your body, with your mind’s eye find those parts of your body where you feel hunger.
Think about how light your body is now without food, how clean and free it is.
Remind yourself that your body has energy reserves that will begin to be used at the moment when you feel hunger.
Enjoy the feeling of hunger in your body!
Hunger is our ally and friend on the path to weight management, it helps us.
Practice intermittent fasting
Play a game with your body – try not to eat anything for some time. For example, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, etc.
At first, you may even experience some discomfort. But if you overcome them, then after 10-20 minutes, it is as if the food process is switched off and the feeling of hunger disappears.
At this time, your body rests and gradually uses the stored energy reserves in the body.
Practice this intermittent fasting.
Note: You can learn more about it on the Internet.
This intermittent fasting reduces the number of calories, and also develops your will, increases your self-confidence, in the fact that you can manage your weight.
Also try the exercise “Night rest of the body”, namely: one night do not leave any food in the house. Drink water and in order not to think about food, find yourself an interesting activity.
Analyze your feelings and remember how you felt in the morning when all your fears were left behind.
For intermittent fasting, it is advisable to consult a doctor and also study the experience of other people. Especially if you have diseases that are somehow related to nutrition.
Listen to your body
Our body is a very complex and very smart system. It has been developing for millions of years. Therefore, listen to the signals of our body.
First of all, see how your body reacts to changes in your diet, to a decrease in calories.
Analyze yourself: Do you like it or not? What thoughts does it evoke? What feelings do you have about it?
Communicate with your inner “I”. Try to answer the questions: What am I thinking? What am I feeling? Why am I thinking about this? Why do I feel this?
At the same time, it is important to remember that food for thought can be provided not only by obvious, conscious thoughts and feelings, but also by those that seem fleeting and seem insignificant to us, or not very clear. For example, sometimes there may be an unwillingness to think about it. Ask yourself the question – “Why don’t I want to think about this?” And try to answer it the way you want, without holding yourself back.
And then ask all the same questions – Why? and What for?
Analysis kills feeling
Artists have a saying: “Analysis kills feeling.” The meaning is that if you look at a painting rationally, the most important thing is lost – the feelings that the painting should evoke.
But we can use this principle in the opposite direction. For example, when we experience discomfort associated with a decrease in the number of calories, we can be aware of and analyze them. And thus, these negative emotions are destroyed.
A person is designed in such a way that any changes, even for the better, can cause a state of discomfort in him. We must be aware of this and understand that after some time, literally a few days, this discomfort will pass.
In this case, there is another good and important way to study yourself and manage yourself – this is the analysis of directly bodily sensations.
Again, treat this as a game. Play with your body in this game: at the moment when you feel hungry, mentally walk through your body and find those parts of the body where exactly you feel hungry.
Pay attention to what exactly is happening in these parts of the body. Most often, it can be tension in certain muscle groups. Feel these sensations and try to relax them. Muscle clamps can live unnoticed in our body in the abdomen, back, neck, hands, as well as in the muscles of the face – forehead, eyes, mouth (clenched teeth, tense lips).
And vice versa, when you feel good, also mentally walk through your body and realize what is happening in your body and where. Try to compare them with negative sensations, find how they differ, and perhaps how they are similar.
Identify and use your individual characteristics
Another important characteristic is that our bodies are very individual.
From this point of view, notice and use your individual characteristics. For example, it may take you more than one week to meet your daily calorie goal, but 2 or even 3.
Or the opposite is possible. For example, your body responds well to a reduction in calories, and then you will want to reduce your daily goal not by 100, but by 200 or 300 calories.
How do you know that your body responds well to a reduction in calories? – You can assess this by the following signs: You like it; You are good at it; You want to do it more. And also that positive changes in your behavior and appearance are noticed by others.
In general, if you feel that the changes give you positive energy, then your body likes it!
The second side of our individual characteristics is that today on the Internet you can find a lot of different methods and tips on how to lose weight.
Choose those that you like and that your body responds well to. To do this, gradually try what certain authors advise and evaluate your body’s reaction.
Come up with and develop your own healthy eating habits.
And of course, take certain precautions if such advice can significantly affect your condition. As always in such cases, consult with your doctor, and also study other people's reviews of this or that method, diet and other advice.
Develop your will and strengthen your self-esteem
What is will? – It is not just overcoming obstacles. It is the ability to use your internal energy for certain, useful actions.
Note: Do not forget that it is will that is given to people by higher powers.
Internal energy is our emotions. They appear when something changes in our life.
For example, we decided to eat less and this will certainly cause us certain emotions.
Therefore, we need to learn to understand, to be aware of what emotions we have and how to use them, to use their energy.
It is like the wind that blows into the sails of a ship and moves it forward. And a skillful design of sails can even move the ship against the wind.
That is, we must learn not just to splash out our emotions (for example, annoyance, irritation, anger, etc.), but to use them as energy for activity.
Willpower is strengthened by victories
How to develop our willpower? – Willpower is strengthened by victories!
When we succeed in something, we rejoice and want to do something else.
In addition, our self-esteem automatically increases. We begin to value and respect ourselves, our opinions, our strengths and capabilities more.
But where can we get these victories? – you ask.
And here we use a trick and arrange victories by ourselves!
The trick is that it does not matter what kind of victory it will be. It does not have to be a big one. It is enough for it to be any, even the smallest victory. Because any victory generates positive emotions, i.e., that very positive energy.
For example, you decided not to eat anything for an hour and did it. Be sure to mark it. Praise yourself, tell yourself: “What a great girl I am! I was able to do this!”
Next time, eat 2/3 of your usual portion. This will also be your victory and celebrate it too.
Practice such small exercises to develop your will, your ability to control yourself, your thoughts and feelings.
Repeat the exercises that you can do, that you like. Create your new eating habits from these repetitive exercises.
Do not think about possible problems in the future. Think about what you have already been able to do!
Arrange small holidays for yourself for every occasion when you have succeeded in something.
Remember your thoughts and feelings at this moment. They will be useful to you if for some reason you find it difficult. Remember how good you felt at these moments. Dilute sad moments with pleasant memories and the picture of your world will become more optimistic, new energy will appear to overcome difficulties.
Our victories, even the smallest ones, give energy to move forward. Self-confidence appears, our self-esteem increases.
Developing will develops us as a person. We become stronger, more robust. And not only physiologically from the point of view of our body, but also psychologically, as people who are able to manage themselves and their lives.
Even the fact that we are starting to think about changing ourselves is already a big plus. We have already started moving. A big road begins with a small step!
In addition, our successes are noticed by others and this is also very stimulating.
What to do if you want to eat?
Find a favorite activity!
To feel less hungry, find yourself a favorite activity.
It could be work or a hobby.
If you have a favorite activity, know that 90% of your difficulties in life will already be solved!
The same applies to nutrition.
Children, when they play, forget about eating.
In the same way, adults, when they are busy with an interesting activity, forget about food.
Find what you like, what you want to do.
It is especially good if it is some kind of creative activity to create something new. For example, some people like to take pictures, some like to grow rare plants, paint pictures, write songs, repair cars, restore vintage furniture, sew clothes, etc.
It is fashionable now to have your own blog on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Choose a topic, create posts, invite subscribers.
Creativity, the creation of something new, connects us, people, with the higher powers that created this world.
It is also very important that this activity brings benefit to other people. The more good we do, the more positive energy returns to us.
And in difficult moments of your life, this energy will support you!
Use tricks
You can use various tricks to reduce the amount of food you eat.
Use small plates
Start using small plates instead of large ones.
Special studies show that when eating, people involuntarily focus on the size of the plate.
And it turns out to be a rather paradoxical thing: when eating less food on a small plate, a person experiences the same feeling of satiety as in the case of a large plate.
Divide your meal
If you want to eat a lot, try dividing the food into two parts.
Say to yourself: “I’ll eat half now, and the rest in an hour.”
Thus, on the one hand, you give the body what it wants, and on the other, you take a break. And it is quite possible that in an hour you will not want to eat so much.
At the same time, you teach yourself to eat less at one time than usual.
The Three Spoon Rule
If you sometimes have trouble judging portion sizes by eye, use the Three Spoon Rule.
For example, put three spoons of rice, three pieces of meat, etc. on your plate.
Hide food triggers
Food triggers are foods or actions that make you want to eat.
For example, you see some food in the kitchen and can’t resist trying it.
Cover it with a lid or a napkin. Now, when you pass by, you may even forget that there is food there. That is, the desire to eat will greatly decrease.
Create your own healthy food triggers
Create your own triggers to develop healthy eating habits.
For example, cut carrots or apples, or any other healthy vegetables or fruits into beautiful pieces, and put the plate in a visible place.
Now, when you pass by, you will involuntarily want to eat a piece.
This way, you will get used to healthy, wholesome food. And at the same time, you will want to eat less.
Turn off the “light bulb”
If at some point you feel hungry, turn off your emotions and turn on your movements.
For example, you are preparing your dinner and suddenly you want to eat two portions of meat instead of one. Or, in the evening before going to bed, you suddenly want to eat.
Quickly, instantly turn off your thoughts and start moving. For example, close the lid of the pan, move with the plate to the dining table, take napkins, close the refrigerator, drink water, etc.
That is, act like a light bulb that was turned on and is now turned off.
Three things are important in this technique:
- You need to do it quickly, immediately, without thinking, as soon as the thought of food appears.
- You need to immediately make some physical movements – with your hands, legs, body as a whole.
- You need to switch your thoughts from food to awareness of your physical actions that you are currently performing. Feel them on a physical level, analyze, enjoy the muscle movements – how correctly, beautifully, quickly you do all these actions.
The wedge is knocked out with a wedge
There is an example in psychology about how a person tries not to think about something (in our case, about food).
This example is called “How not to think about a white cow?”
A person tries not to think about a white cow. He says to himself: “I will not think about a white cow.” “I do not want to think about a white cow.” “I do not need to think about a white cow.” And so on.
Question: What is this person thinking about? – About a white cow!
This is the wrong way.
The right way is to, instead of trying “not to think about a white cow,” “think about a black bull”!
That is, you need to replace those thoughts that need to be avoided with other thoughts that are not related to unnecessary ones.
These can be any other thoughts. The main thing is that they are not related to food.
And of course, do not forget the general health recommendations, namely – physical activity (walking, gym, swimming), enough drinking water, enough time for sleep, avoid anxiety and depression, including it is not shameful to use medications prescribed by doctors.
Drink water and breathe
If at some point you want to eat something when you shouldn’t, try replacing food with water.
Drink half a glass or a glass of clean water.
And you will notice that in about five minutes the feeling of hunger will become much weaker.
This is especially useful if you want to eat before going to bed.
Keep a bottle of good, tasty water at home and drink it in such cases.
At the moment of a sudden desire to eat, you can also take a few breaths in and out.
Feel how the muscles of your body move, how the stream of air enters your body and comes out.
The trick here is that after a few minutes the feeling of hunger may subside, and also that we replace thoughts and sensations associated with food with thoughts and bodily sensations associated with breathing.
Use taste sensations for satiety
During a meal, the desire to eat more than you need may also appear.
In these cases, use the power of taste sensations.
The thing is that usually our saturation with food occurs in the stomach. And it is associated with the filling of the stomach, with a pleasant heaviness in it.
But there is a second type of saturation. This is saturation through taste sensations in the mouth, during the time when we chew food.
Take food in small portions and chew it carefully and for a long time to absorb all the taste sensations that it contains.
Enjoy these tastes.
And you will notice that you can get full even with a small amount of food.
Sometimes create changes in your usual eating habits. Instead of the food that you buy constantly, buy other food. For example, the one that you would like to try, that you have heard about somewhere, etc. It may be a little more expensive, but the taste will most likely be better. Eat this food slowly and enjoy new tastes.
One person had very little food left in the refrigerator in the evening. He lived far from the store and could not go and buy more. So in the evening he sat down at the table and began to eat the food he had left very slowly, in small pieces. Imagine his surprise when he felt that he was already full, and there was still food left on the plate.
Attitude to failure
Don’t be upset if failures happen, for example, exceeding the daily norm, or breaking down and eating ice cream.
Failures can happen to anyone.
Wise people say: “It is not so important that a person falls. The important thing is to get up and go on.”
Thomas Edison, for example, conducted several thousand (!) unsuccessful experiments before he got a working electric light bulb that we all use now.
J.K. Rowling's manuscript about Harry Potter was rejected more than 12 times. Today, her books have become some of the most popular in the world.
Oprah Winfrey was fired from television early in her career because she was "unfit for air." Despite this, she became one of the most influential women in the world, leading her own show, which lasted more than 25 years.
The importance of the idea, principle, rule “get up and move on” also applies to the process of forming healthy eating habits.
Each of us can have breakdowns, failures, rebounds. At such moments, the main thing is not to jump to conclusions. You need to give yourself time, experience, feel what happened, and then find a way to move on.
A good medicine in such cases can be a favorite activity, walks in nature, just take a shower, watch an interesting film that evokes strong cleansing emotions, go shopping, be among people, etc.
Never say never
Just like James Bond, don’t block your own thinking.
That is, never judge yourself with words like “you’ll never be able to”, “you’ll never succeed”, “here we go again”, “you always do it badly”, etc. This creates a feeling of hopelessness, doom and futility of any actions.
Instead, if you want to evaluate your actions, say something like: “I didn’t succeed today”.
In this way, you reduce, localize the failure. That is, if it didn’t work out today, it’s quite possible that it will work out tomorrow.
From here, the idea is implanted in your subconscious that this is an isolated case and that next time it may be different.
This helps to consolidate your positive emotional attitude towards yourself and your behavior in managing yourself.
Forget failures, remember successes
Psychologists believe that our life is what we think about it.
Therefore, if we remember only failures, then our life will be unsuccessful.
By an effort of will, we force ourselves to forget about failures. Do not be tormented by thoughts that you could have done something differently.
The best thing to do in such a situation is to think about what we did wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Then throw unpleasant memories out of your head.
What was, it has already passed. It can no longer be changed.
But we can change the present and the future.
Remember the proverb: “A scarred soldier is worth two recruits.” It will help you feel that the experience of failure is also a valuable experience.
Then, remember how many times you have already succeeded in something. For example, you did not exceed your daily calorie goal. You did not eat high-calorie food. You drank water in the evening instead of eating. Even the fact that you decided to form healthy eating habits is also a positive action on your part.
Compare the failure that made you sad with the achievements that you already have. They may not be cosmic in scale, but these are already your steps towards the better.
These are the pluses that balance out, or even outweigh, possible temporary minuses.
And your state will no longer be so sad. You will see that you have not only failures, but also successes, achievements.
Will it work or not?
We often have thoughts about “Will it work or not?”, “Will I be able to do it or not?”, etc. How much anxiety, fear and uncertainty is associated with this!
In fact, this is the wrong attitude.
The correct one is that “It will always work out!”
What we want to do is already there, at the end of the path, waiting for us.
It will always work out if we want it and act!
Therefore, the correct question is not “Will it work or not?”, but the question “Am I ready to go this way?”
This path requires time and effort, physical and mental. It is not strewn with roses, there will be successes and failures, joys and disappointments.
And if you can overcome all these difficulties, then you are guaranteed to receive your prize, your reward – a healthier lifestyle.
We will feel better, we will have a beautiful figure, we will be able to wear lighter clothes, perform complex movements that we could not do before, for example, bend over, go to the pool, etc.
From observation to nutrition management
One of the important moments in the process of losing weight is the transition from observing your diet to conscious nutrition management.
Just as we plan, for example, our weekends, trips, vacations, we also come to planning our meals. So that we think about our nutrition not at the last moment, opening the refrigerator, with the thought “What should I eat?”, but do it in advance.
At first, we can count the number of calories after eating. Then we do it before we sit down to eat.
And having a certain experience in cooking along with taking into account the number of calories, we can quite easily move on to planning meals in advance. For example, in the morning, make a meal plan for the whole day. Or, today plan meals for tomorrow, or 2-3 days in advance.
This is what athletes do, for example, who need to keep their body weight within certain limits. They prepare meals for several days in advance, taking into account calories and other nutrients, and then pack the food in separate containers for each meal.
In this case, we no longer need to think about what to eat every day. We also have time for cooking.
And most importantly, we plan our meals, i.e., we manage them!
Below is an approximate plan for how we can prepare food for a week.
Sample meal prep plan for the week
Sunday – cook for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Wednesday – cook for Thursday and Friday.
Friday – cook for Saturday and Sunday.

- Sunday is a day off. Therefore, there is more free time and you can cook for 3 days in advance.
- In total, it is advisable to cook 2-3 dishes for each day block, as well as 2-3 light snacks. Then we can vary the daily diet and not eat the same thing all day.
- This plan is approximate and you can adapt it to your individual conditions.
Take photos and weigh yourself
Be sure to weigh yourself before you start.
Many people take photos to compare what was at the beginning and how it has changed.
You can choose the frequency of weighing yourself. Experts recommend doing this once a week to see noticeable changes.
Others like to weigh themselves every day and also develop a new habit, a kind of morning ritual.
In this case, in the case of daily weighing, it is better to use fairly accurate scales, install them in the same place. Otherwise, the results may not be accurate and may cause unnecessary worries.
In medical institutions, patients are now weighed fully clothed, as they usually walk. You can do the same at home.
Or, the second option is to weigh yourself in the morning, naked, after a bowel movement.
Both photos and weighing results can be saved, so that you can later simply remember or use them for self-motivation.
Nutrition is not the whole life, but only a part of it
Gradually push nutrition out of the focus of your consciousness. Let it not be there all the time, but take only the necessary, but small, technological place. For example, cooking on certain days.
The rest of the time, let your priorities be doing what you love, realizing your potential, relationships with loved ones and other things that are joyful for you.
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