Use this app to memorize new US units! If you come from a country with a metric system, train your skills in using American units.
Converter Features
- ºFahrenheit – ºCelsius
- lb – kg
- oz – g
- in – sm
- ft – m
- mi – km
All conversion operations are performed from Imperial to Metric unit system and vice versa.
How to Use This App
To use this app enter a value in the left field and click the Calculate button.
The result will be shown in the right field.
To hide the keyboard click anywhere on free place.
To clean fields click the Clear button.
To swap scales click two arrows between names of units.
How to Remember
Use this application whenever you need.
Convert, but before do it, try to calculate it in your mind using your memory.
Sometimes swap scales and repeat the process.
To make this process more comfortable and more efficient, place this application on your phone screen near to the Calculator app.
Experience shows that after about three months of active use of new (American) units of measurement versus metric units, people acquire the skill of quick mental conversion.
This application is a convenient and quick assistant at the first stage of memorizing new units of measurement.
Privacy Policy
Immigrant Units app does not collect any information about users.